BURLY CAPS LTD Black "immortal recaps"
-The very first BURLY CAPS were hand-crafted from natural white UHMW (Ultra-High Molecular Weight) polyethylene back in 1988. We continue this dedication to skateboarder's knees 25 years later.
Our plastic is significantly more durable than any of the injection-molded caps offered with most brands of knee pads.
-While shooting his "FLIP Extremely Sorry" video part, Lance Mountain asked if we could make some BURLY CAPS in black. Of course we said yes, and have been offering black caps since then, but often in limited amounts, as the plastic can be difficult to source.
-BURLY CAPS slide excellently on smooth concrete, skatelite, masonite, and birch ply, and will last years for most users.
-BURLY CAPS are the highest quality replacement caps for skateboard knee pads, they will outlast your knee pads, and maybe even your knees.
KNOWN USER OF BURLY CAPS Jeff Hedges, photo by Dan Sparagna.